84000 Glossary of Terms

Our trilingual glossary combining entries from all of our publications into one useful resource, giving translations and definitions of thousands of terms, people, places, and texts from the Buddhist canon.

མ་འགགས་པ། | Glossary of Terms

  • མ་འགག་པ།

  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • མ་འགགས།
  • འགག་མྱེད།
  • འགགས་པ་མེད་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • ma ’gag pa
  • ’gags pa med pa
  • ma ’gags
  • ’gag myed
  • aniruddha
  • Note: this data is still being sorted
  • Person
Publications: 23

Lit. “Unobstructed.” One of the ten great śrāvaka disciples, famed for his meditative prowess and superknowledges. He was the Buddha's cousin‍—a son of Amṛtodana, one of the brothers of King Śuddhodana‍—and is often mentioned along with his two brothers Bhadrika and Mahānāma. Some sources also include Ānanda among his brothers.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

The Buddha’s cousin and one of his ten foremost disciples.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
  • Aniruddha
  • འགག་མྱེད།
  • ’gag myed
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

The Buddha’s cousin and one of his ten principal pupils, he was renowned for his clairvoyance. Often translated elsewhere as ma ’gags pa.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha AS
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
This is an addendum to the general definition from the 84000 Glossary:

One of the monks attending this teaching in Śrāvastī, at Jeta’s Grove.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

The Buddha’s cousin, and one of his ten principal pupils. Renowned for his clairvoyance.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགག་པ།
  • འགགས་པ་མེད་པ།
  • ma ’gag pa
  • ’gags pa med pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

Śrāvaka arhat.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

The Buddha’s cousin, and one of his ten principal pupils. Renowned for his clairvoyance.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས།
  • ma ’gags
  • aniruddha AO
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

A śrāvaka disciple and cousin of the Buddha who was famed for his meditative prowess and superknowledges. See also UT22084-060-005-940.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

A monk (bhikṣu) and disciple of the Buddha.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha AD
This is an addendum to the general definition from the 84000 Glossary:

The Buddha’s cousin, and one of his ten principal pupils. Renowned for his clairvoyance.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

The Buddha’s first cousin, born of the Śākya clan, who was among the most eminent of the Buddha’s monastic disciples.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha AS
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

A disciple of the Buddha.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

One of the śrāvakas attending the delivery of the MMK.

  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
  • Aniruddha
  • མ་འགགས་པ།
  • ma ’gags pa
  • aniruddha
Definition in this text:

Close disciple of the Buddha.