དཔའ་བོ། | Glossary of Terms
- dpa’ bo
- vīra
- ḍāka
- vīrya
- Term
- ḍāka
- དཔའ་བོ།
- dpa’ bo
- ḍāka
Covers a wide range of meanings—in general a male being, not necessarily benevolent, ranging from a powerful spirit to a retinue deity in a maṇḍala.
An epithet of a buddha, also used in a general sense.
- valiant one
- དཔའ་བོ།
- dpa’ bo
- vīra
“Valiant, heroic, manly”; an epithet applied to male deities of wrathful aspect.
- Virile One
- དཔའ་བོ།
- dpa’ bo
- vīra
Closely associated with notions of virility, this term can denote the male deity of the maṇḍala (whose consort is the vidyā) or the yogī who practices this mode of tantra.